TOPKATA News – In order to celebrate the 77th Republic of Indonesia’s Birthday, Sipora Selatan District held various competitions, the activities were held in two places, Mara Village and Saureinu Village, Sipora Selatan District.
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In the opening of the match was also present Pj. The Regent of the Kepulauan Mentawai, Martnua Dahlan and his wife, members of the Mentawai DPRD, Hebrew Sababalat, the Head of the Kepulauan Mentawai Police, the Dandim Representing, Kakansar, District Muspika, and the Head of Village in Sipora Selatan District.
The activity began with singing the Indonesia Raya anthem, the sub-district head’s remarks as well as reporting on the series of activities for the Indonesian Independence Day, followed by a Hebrew speech, after which the regent kicked off, which was preceded by a speech.
The Head of Sipora Selatan Sub-district, Yusuf Hadisumanto explained, this activity was in the context of the 77th Indonesian Independence Day. The activities held by the Sipora Selatan Sub-district, namely, football matches, volleyball matches, and will be held in two football fields, Mara and Saureinu. Men’s and women’s volleyball was held in Sioban and climbing Pinang.
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“The purpose of holding this activity is to strengthen our friendship between each other and to raise the fighting spirit of our young people, besides that, we will also build togetherness,” he said when confirmed, Thursday, August 4, 2022.
He also hopes that this activity will have an economic impact on the community. (Sabarial)