By: Harnieti (Head of UPTD SMPN 1 Luak District)
The term independent learning today is familiar to us. Especially in the world of education. But we should be able to understand the meaning and meaning of the term. Freedom to learn does not mean that students are given freedom to learn at will, without the control of the teacher.
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However, how the learning carried out by the teacher is able to side with the students. The term Merdeka Belajar is better known in the curriculum of driving schools.
Currently, around 2,500 schools have complied with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture number 162 of 2021 as implementers of the driving school curriculum.
The concept of independent learning was initiated by the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. The concept of merrdeka learning is the idea of Ki Hajar Dewantara. That is, the idea that liberates teachers and students determines a meaningful and fun learning system.
Ki Hajar Dewantara views education as a driver for student development, namely education teaches to achieve change and benefit the surrounding environment. (Wikipedia, 2021).
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Freedom of learning in the sense that schools, teachers and students have freedom in innovating and acting in the teaching and learning process. This means that teachers are not monotonous and have the freedom to do various variations in learning.
In addition, the use of appropriate and interesting learning media also needs to be a concern for teachers.
The use of digital technology is also essential in the implementation of learning.
The demands of today’s times are the trigger for the importance of students being proficient in using digital technology. The digital era is known as the current 4.0 revolution, where technology has penetrated various aspects of human life.
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