The Central KPI delegation led by Commissioner for Institutional Affairs Yuliandre Darwis was welcomed by Assistant II for Ekbang and Welfare Didi Haryadi, and Assistant III for General Administration Corry Saidan at Palanta, Padang Wallikota Office
TOPKATA News, – After visiting Pariaman City, Agam, Padang Panjang City and Bukittinggi City, the Central Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) group made a working visit to the Padang City Government, Friday, August 8, 2022.
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The Central KPI delegation led by Commissioner for Institutional Affairs Yuliandre Darwis was welcomed by Assistant II for Ekbang and Welfare Didi Haryadi, and Assistant III for General Administration Corry Saidan at Palanta, Padang Wallikota Office, Jl A Yani Padang.
In his remarks, the Mayor of Padang, represented by Corry Saidan, expressed his gratitude for the visit of the Central KPI to the Pemko Padang. He hopes that in the future there can be cooperation with KPI, especially with the West Sumatra KPID. Especially, in terms of broadcasting programs and activities at Pemko Padang.
“The Padang City Government is currently incessantly promoting the creative economy and MSMEs (Small, Micro and Medium Enterprises). So it is necessary to collaborate, harmonize and coordinate with stakeholders of broadcasting institutions and with the West Sumatra KPID. So that the results can be maximized,” said Corry.
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In the future, said Corry, many national-scale activities will be centered in the city of Padang. Among them, Penas Tani in 2023. “There are many promotions that can be helped, and this requires the participation of broadcasters so that the activity should be successful,” he added.
Meanwhile, Yuliandre Darwis said that the potential of Padang City in the creative economy sector was very high. “One of the creative economies is the broadcasting industry. And in the city of Padang, there are many literacys that can be used as content for national, even international consumption. Call it literacy about Malin Kundang, Siti Nurbaya, and others,” said Uda Andre, the nickname for the son of Minang who was once the Chairman of the Central KPI.
Yuliandre continued, not only literacy, natural beauty such as Padang Beach, and other tourist destinations. The various culinary delights that exist are abundant ingredients that can be used as content, as regional promotions.
Yuliandre gave an example in South Korea, where creativity or creative content can improve the economy of a region or country. “From one BTS boyband from South Korea alone, it can generate 76 trillion,” said Yuliandre, who currently also serves as Advisor to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Parekraf) Sandiaga Uno.
The phenomenon that occurred in South Korea, said Yuliandre again, should be an inspiration for the people of Padang. According to him, the Padang City Government should be able to provide space for the growth of creativity in promoting local wisdom, by linking it to OPD (Regional Apparatus Organizations), such as Diskominfo, Tourism Office, and others.
Regarding broadcasting in West Sumatra, Yuliandre supports the existence of a regional regulation (Perda) on Broadcasting which is a regulation for the broadcasting world based on local wisdom in West Sumatra.
Then, said Yuliandre, KPI in the recruitment of commissioners in the regions is carried out in a decentralized manner, the local provincial DPRD chooses. “It is different from other institutions such as KPU, Bawaslu and others, which are chosen by the center,” said Yuliandre.
After exchanging souvenirs, the event then continued with a banquet together. Followed by the implementation of Friday prayers at the Great Mosque of West Sumatra.
On the occasion of the gathering, other Central KPI Commissioners, Nuning Rodiyah and Hardly Stefano Fenolon Pariela were also present. Also accompanying the Secretary of the Central KPI Umri and 40 Central KPI staff.
Then the Head of the West Sumatra KPID Dasrul, along with other commissioners; Ficky Tri Saputra, Robert Cenedy and Rahmadi Sutrisno (kpi)