Kabun Youth Association (IPEKAB) Jl. Tunggang held the peak night of the 77th Indonesian Independence Day commemoration in the open field of Kabun Jl. Tunggang RT.04 RW.02, Ex. Pasar Ambacang, Kec. Kuranji, Padang City, Saturday, 27 August 2022
TOPKATA News – The organizing committee was successful in organizing all the activities. Starting from the children’s championships and areca climbing competitions which are held one full day on Sunday August 20, 2022
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This was said by the Chairman of the Kabun Youth Association (IPEKAB) Jl. Tunggang Pajok Zondra Volta on the night of the peak of the 77th Indonesian Independence Day commemoration in the open field of Kabun Jl. Tunggang RT.04 RW.02, Ex. Pasar Ambacang, Kec. Kuranji, Padang City, Saturday, August 27, 2022.
He conveyed that on the eve of the peak of the commemoration of the Indonesian Independence Day this year, the committee entertained the residents with the KIM song sung by Cici Wianora plus the support of Astalipiesta’s single organ music from Kampung Tanjung, Lubuk Begalung, Padang.
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“Alhamdulillah, in a short time, our organizing committee was successful and successful in holding various competitions this week until the peak night of the 77th Indonesian Independence Day commemoration”.
In his speech, the Chairman of RT.04 RW.02, Kabun Jl. Tunggang, Agusnedi expressed his gratitude to all the youth of Kabun Jl. Tunggang who is a member of IPEKAB, who has graced the Kabun area of Jl. Ride with a variety of positive activities.
Meanwhile, the Secretary of the DPD for the NasDem Party of Padang City, Syamsu Rizal, as a resident of Kabun Jl. Tunggang conveyed, the progress of the Kabun area, Jl. Riding during this can not be separated from the support of the youth. And the success of today’s youth is also inseparable from what previous generations of young people have done in the past.
He added that his party felt saluted and proud of the performance of the Kabun Youth Association (IPEKAB), even though in a short time, it was still able to hold various activities in order to enliven the 77th Indonesian Independence Day.
Finally, the Head of the West Sumatra Information Commission (KI) for the 2014 – 2018 period hopes that the youth who are members of IPEKAB will continue to make positive works for the progress of the Tunggang Street Kabun area.
He hopes that the youth who are members of IPEKAB, besides being successful in holding various activities, should also be able to carve positive works that can make the name of the Kabun Jalan Tunggang area proud in the future. (pzv)
This article first appeared on Spirit Sumbar