Feri Fren
There is a distance from the student’s house from the geogle map that looks close, but because it is limited by the river and there is no road access nearby to the school location, they finally detour to be able to get to the school. While schools that are easy to reach are not included in their zoning.
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Apart from all that, it is clear that the positive impact is certainly much more because before the enactment of this system, it had gone through a long and mature review process. The use of a zoning system for admission of new learners is one of the pathways for a learner to be admitted to a school.
The implementation of the zoning system actually targets new students to apply to schools according to their area of residence. The hope with the enactment of this zoning system is that there will be no more gaps in implementing quality education services in the favorite and non-favorite schools that we have known to all communities.
According to Muhadjir the zoning system can present a heterogeneous class population. So that it will encourage the creativity of educators in classroom learning.
The realization of a good educational ecosystem is a long-term goal to be achieved through zoning policies.
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The role of schools, communities, and families is seen as equally important in determining the educational success of students. Our task is to build a good educational environment, where there is a positive relationship between the school, the community and the family in accordance with the philosophy of our father of education Ki Hajar Dewantara.
Zoning for students who want to succeed with moderate competence will trigger and increase their motivation to improve the quality of learning and other potentials contained in them.
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