Coordination meeting of the Partai Ummat Pesisir Selatan
TOPKATA News – The Partai Ummat continues to boost its target to become a participant in the 2024 General Election. In fact, the party created by Amien Rais immediately held a coordination meeting.
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As did the DPD of the Pesisir Selatan Regency Partai Ummat which immediately held a coordination meeting at its secretariat in Salido, District IV Jurai, Pesisir Selatan, Sumatera Barat, Saturday, August 20, 2022.
The chairman of the DPD Partai Ummat of Pesisir Selatan Regency, Yuliandri at the opening of the coordination meeting, admitted that he deliberately carried out this activity in the office so that the administrators and cadres knew the location of the secretariat.
This coordination meeting is also a gathering place. Also follow up on the results of the verification at Sipol. “Alhamdulillah, of the 24 political parties that passed the initial registration stage, Alhamdulillah one of them is the Partai Ummat. There are two more stages, which we will go through. We have started to prepare ourselves,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Regional Leadership Council of the Sumatera Barat Province Partai Ummat, H. Taslim Chaniago Dt. Tambogo said the office of the Partai Ummat DPD is quite good, strategic and representative.
Usually the party cadres in Pessel are very compact. In fact, to participate in activities, they come together. He said this coordination meeting was a momentum to unite the vision for the Ummat Party to become one of the parties participating in the general election in 2024.
“We in Sumatera Barat passed 100 percent. Because all the requirements were met in all regencies/cities. Initially, what we were worried about were Solok, Pesisir Selatan and Padang Pariaman regencies. In fact, what is most worried about is the Mentawai,” said Taslim, who was accompanied by the Deputy Chairman of the Partai Ummat DPW who is also the chairman of KPPW, Azirma.
In fact, said the former chairman of the Pemuda Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat, it was precisely Pessel Regency and the two other regions that were complete first. “We really feel God’s help. Mentawai is the one that worries us the most, it’s also complete,” he said.
“Something we think is impossible. If Allah wills, then everything will be finished. This is how we feel, until we pass this initial verification stage,” he said.
On that occasion, Taslim also explained the various steps that must be taken to deal with administrative and factual verification. “Two more steps, which we have to go through as election participants in 2024. Namely administrative and factual verification,” he said.
The coordination meeting was attended by the DPD management and the Chairperson of the DPC Partai Ummat in Pesisir Selatan Regency. (Salih)
This article first appeared on Spirit of West Sumatra with the title : Lolos Verifikasi, Partai Ummat Pessel Gelar Rakor