Director of Preparedness of BNPB when giving a speech in front of millennial volunteers in the framework of the Indonesian Independence Day, at padepokan Pencak Silat TMII, Jakarta,
TOPKATA News – Disaster management is a joint task. One of them is the role of volunteers to educate families.
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Director of Preparedness of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Pangarso Suryotomo conveyed this while attending the activity in the context of the Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, as reported by the official BNPB website, Sunday, August 28, 2022.
On that occasion, Pangarso said, volunteers can provide education. Especially, the disasters that exist around his neighborhood. He assessed their role in building disaster resilient families.
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According to him, the government would not be able to make such efforts without the presence of volunteers. Furthermore, the volunteers can educate simply. For example, conveying information that has been agreed on evacuation routes and training together.
“Even volunteers can help their neighbors or close friends and underlined, the disaster management volunteers work sincerely and selflessly,” added Pangarso in front of the participants of the Frontline Volunteer Community (Korad), at Padepokan Pencak Silat TMII, Jakarta.
Pangarso in front of 104 high school students from West Java and DKI Jakarta said, Indonesia is a disaster supermarket. There are more than 51 million families at risk of disaster. Through volunteers, they will be greatly helped to face or prepare for disaster preparedness.
On the other hand, Pangarso really appreciated the participants from the younger generation group who were willing to become disaster management volunteers.
At the event, BNPB had the opportunity to introduce the inaRISK application so that they could recognize the potential risks or dangers around. “This inaRISK application helps us to recognize potential risks and dangers so that we can be prepared to deal with them,” added Pangarso.
This application can be used by volunteers to educate family members or community members. In addition to knowing the potential risks and dangers, through inaRISK, volunteers can convey a message of preparedness or what to do in pre, during and after a disaster. (*)
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This article first appeared on : SpiritSumbar.com